Heathrow - How does Heathrow co-ordinate 650 arrivals a day?


How does Heathrow co-ordinate 650 arrivals a day?

Project scrapbook

About our partners

Heathrow is the UK's premier international airport and one of the busiest two-runway airports in the world with about 1,300 combined take-offs and landings a day. Some 80 airlines fly direct to over 180 destinations worldwide. 

The challenge

With so much traffic coming and going into the airport, communicating the complex arrivals process had the folks at Heathrow scratching their heads. They contacted us to help them unpack their story into an easy to understand explainer video.  In order to operate at maximum efficiency and minimise impact on local communities there were a lot of interdependent factors to consider - including flightpaths, wind direction and even times of day - so how did we do it?

The film

We used a rich, visual toolkit to bring the Heathrow Arrivals story to life. By using a blend of maps, diagrams, icons, dynamic character drawings and unifying motion graphics to impose structure and clarity, we were able to visually explain the complexity, variability, and art of landing 640 planes a day. If you are flying in and out of Heathrow anytime soon, after watching this whiteboard animation you will understand exactly what it takes to move that amount of traffic above the London skies!

The context
