Extra Narrative — Cognitive Client Projects — Cognitive

Cynthia Hall and The Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development - Human Trafficking

Cynthia Hall and The Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development - Human Trafficking

Cynthia Hall and the Karyn Purvis Institute came to us to create a whiteboard animation highlighting the critical issue of human trafficking and the situations that can lead to someone becoming trafficked.

The Rise Free Trust - The Call to Rise Free

The Rise Free Trust - The Call to Rise Free

The Rise Free Trust defend and share the ideas of reason, science and freedom. To help ensure these values are celebrated and travel forward with humanity into the future, we created an emotive secular prayer based on a text created by The Rise Free Trust to encapsulate these important ideas.

World Handicap System - The new golf handicap system and what it means

World Handicap System - The new golf handicap system and what it means

The World Handicap System brings together the strengths of the six current systems around the world into one system for all. We created a series of films to help win-over the global golfing community to this critical change in golf.

Cynthia Hall and The Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development - Ideal Response©

Cynthia Hall and The Karyn Purvis Institute of Child Development - Ideal Response©

We worked with the Karyn Purvis Institute and Cynthia Hall to produce this whiteboard animation on the IDEAL® Response - guidance on responding to the behaviour of children from hard places.