Digital Scribing — Cognitive Client Projects — Cognitive

HackerOne - Security@ 2020 Conference

HackerOne - Security@ 2020 Conference

Back for its fourth year, Security@ is HackerOne’s global security conference. The conference brings together security industry influencers, elite hackers and thought leaders to create the industry’s largest gathering.

The British Academy: Future of the Corporation - Purpose Summit

The British Academy: Future of the Corporation - Purpose Summit

Across five digitally scribed, sessions the summit looked at topics such as what previous crises can teach us about solving the problems of people and planet, how investors and owners can support purposeful business and how technological change can serve society through purposeful business.

HackerOne - Beyond the Bounty

HackerOne - Beyond the Bounty

HackerOne’s Laurie Mercer, Kindred Group’s Jacob Mattson, Deliveroo’s Baden Delamore and Cyber Security YouTuber Katie Paxton-Fear discussed important aspects of bug hunting in relation to the cyber security of large organisations in this digitally scribed event.