The&Partnership and Big Yellow Storage - Storage Nightmares

The&Partnership and Big Yellow Storage - Storage Nightmares

We worked with the Big Yellow Storage Company and The&Partnership to create these short whiteboard animations for social media that bring to life storage horror when we’re making life changes.

Emma Robinson and Sir Ken Robinson - Dear Teacher

Emma Robinson and Sir Ken Robinson - Dear Teacher

Your child’s first day of school is a big moment, for you as well as them. Written by Emma Robinson and read by Sir Ken Robinson, Dear Teacher is a powerful and moving insight into the emotions of a parent on their child’s first day.

Damian Hughes - The Barcelona Way

Damian Hughes - The Barcelona Way

We made two whiteboard animations for sports psychologist Damian Hughes and Pan Macmillan for Damian’s new book The Barcelona Way. In the book, Damian reveals the key principles that have defined FC Barcelona’s success showing how the DNA of a winning team can be successfully applied to any working environment, with dramatic results.