5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Explainer Video Company

5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Explainer Video Company

Whiteboard videos can be a powerful way of telling your story, but their effectiveness very much depends on their quality. When picking the right whiteboard video production company, there are some essential steps and considerations.

Crafting Compelling Explainer Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

Crafting Compelling Explainer Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s digital era, explainer videos have become indispensable tools for businesses, educators, and creatives to convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. These videos, whether animated or utilizing techniques like whiteboard animation, captivate audiences and simplify intricate concepts.

Demystifying Explainer Videos: Engaging, Educational, and Effective

Demystifying Explainer Videos: Engaging, Educational, and Effective

As visual aids go, whiteboards are like old friends. Whiteboard videos have developed from them, making ideas and messages understandable, clear, engaging and memorable.

Unleashing the Power of Explainer Videos in Business

Unleashing the Power of Explainer Videos in Business

In today's digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their audience and effectively communicate their messages. One such powerful tool that has gained popularity is whiteboard animation videos.

The Magic of Animated Tales: Unleashing the Power of Stories in Animation

The Magic of Animated Tales: Unleashing the Power of Stories in Animation

We’ll explore the captivating world of animation and how it unleashes the power of storytelling. Join us as we delve into the mesmerising world of animation and uncover the magic that lies within its animated tales.

Unraveling How Explainer Videos Provide A Deeper Understanding Of The World We Live In

Unraveling How Explainer Videos Provide A Deeper Understanding Of The World We Live In

In a world inundated with news and information, it's becoming increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction. That's where BBC Explainers come in. With a commitment to demystifying complex topics, the BBC uses We Are Cognitive explainer videos to provide a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

How Can Whiteboard Animation Help You Deliver Remote Training?

How Can Whiteboard Animation Help You Deliver Remote Training?

Not everything is better remote, as we’re sure anyone who has tried to deliver remote training sessions will agree. We’re happy to announce that there is a better way to deliver remote training: whiteboard explainer videos.

7 Ways To Boost Your Brand with Explainer Videos: Leveraging Visual Content for Impact

7 Ways To Boost Your Brand with Explainer Videos: Leveraging Visual Content for Impact

Explainer videos are visually dynamic and captivating videos. They excel not only in distilling complex messages into easily understandable narratives but also in etching a lasting imprint on the minds of viewers. This makes explainer videos a must for any marketing strategy!

11 Explainer Video Production Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Killer Explainer Videos

11 Explainer Video Production Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Killer Explainer Videos

Creating a successful explainer video takes detailed planning. Done well, they supercharge stories and messages, giving them a lasting impact and high engagement rates.

Enhancing Communication: The Benefits of Whiteboard Animation for Companies

Enhancing Communication: The Benefits of Whiteboard Animation for Companies

One emerging and innovative tool that has gained significant popularity is whiteboard animation. By combining simplicity, creativity, and visual storytelling, whiteboard animation offers numerous benefits that can help companies improve their communication strategies.

The Art of Persuasion: How To Make Impactful Explainer Videos

The Art of Persuasion: How To Make Impactful Explainer Videos

Marketing explainer videos capture the attention of viewers and drive audience engagement. They make your message meaningful and memorable!

Unlocking Communication Excellence: 7 Key Benefits of Explainer Videos

Unlocking Communication Excellence: 7 Key Benefits of Explainer Videos

At We Are Cognitive, we’ve pioneered whiteboard animation videos and established them as the communication tool they are today.

7 Ways Explainer Videos Revolutionise Communication

7 Ways Explainer Videos Revolutionise Communication

Explainer videos are a dynamic tool that has been revolutionising the way we communicate. Whether it's through animated explainer videos or captivating whiteboard animations, these visual storytelling marvels are transforming the communication landscape in seven key ways.

Vertical Videos Or Landscape Videos; That Is The Question

Vertical Videos Or Landscape Videos; That Is The Question

Vertical video is making its mark, but is it right for you? Is a landscape video still the best way to share your message?

How To Explain Concepts And Messages Using Explainer Videos

How To Explain Concepts And Messages Using Explainer Videos

Whether you're an educator striving to make lessons memorable or a business professional aiming to simplify intricate concepts, harnessing the power of explainer videos can be a game-changer.

5 Tips for Creating Compelling Explainer Videos

5 Tips for Creating Compelling Explainer Videos

One effective way to captivate your audience and convey complex ideas in a simple, engaging manner is through explainer videos. In this blog post, we'll explore five great explainer video tips to help you create compelling animated explainer videos that leave a lasting impression. 

The Art of Visual Storytelling: A Data-Driven Exploration

The Art of Visual Storytelling: A Data-Driven Exploration

Once upon a time, in a world brimming with words and numbers, there emerged a powerful form of communication that transcended the boundaries of language - visual storytelling. Our story begins in the heart of a bustling city, where images and visuals narrate tales more compelling than words ever could.

10 Mistakes to Sidestep in Your Explainer Animation Journey

10 Mistakes to Sidestep in Your Explainer Animation Journey

The whiteboard video recipe is a complex one, when done right it can turn our messages and stories into highly engaging, entertaining and memorable animations. We’ve put together a list of ten whiteboard video mistakes and creation tips to keep in mind as you create your whiteboard video.

The Psychology Behind Effective Explainer Animations: How to Engage Your Audience

The Psychology Behind Effective Explainer Animations: How to Engage Your Audience

What psychological principles make explainer videos so effective in engaging audiences? Let's delve into the psychology behind effective explainer animations and understand how they captivate, persuade, and leave a lasting impact on viewers.

9 Creative Ways to Use Explainer Animations in Your Marketing Strategy

9 Creative Ways to Use Explainer Animations in Your Marketing Strategy

Explainer videos and engaging whiteboard animations, have emerged as powerful tools to convey complex messages with simplicity and creativity. Here, we explore nine innovative ways to integrate explainer animations into your marketing strategy, enhancing your brand's visibility, engagement, and conversion rates.