whiteboard video

5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Explainer Video Company

5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Explainer Video Company

Whiteboard videos can be a powerful way of telling your story, but their effectiveness very much depends on their quality. When picking the right whiteboard video production company, there are some essential steps and considerations.

Demystifying Explainer Videos: Engaging, Educational, and Effective

Demystifying Explainer Videos: Engaging, Educational, and Effective

As visual aids go, whiteboards are like old friends. Whiteboard videos have developed from them, making ideas and messages understandable, clear, engaging and memorable.

How To Explain Concepts And Messages Using Explainer Videos

How To Explain Concepts And Messages Using Explainer Videos

Whether you're an educator striving to make lessons memorable or a business professional aiming to simplify intricate concepts, harnessing the power of explainer videos can be a game-changer.

Elevating Your Narrative with Whiteboard Animation

Elevating Your Narrative with Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard animation explainer videos have emerged as storytelling wizards in the realm of business communication. Join us on a journey as we unravel the enchanting tapestry of storytelling and unpack how it can help all organisations share their messages with the world.

10 Mistakes to Sidestep in Your Explainer Animation Journey

10 Mistakes to Sidestep in Your Explainer Animation Journey

The whiteboard video recipe is a complex one, when done right it can turn our messages and stories into highly engaging, entertaining and memorable animations. We’ve put together a list of ten whiteboard video mistakes and creation tips to keep in mind as you create your whiteboard video.

9 Creative Ways to Use Explainer Animations in Your Marketing Strategy

9 Creative Ways to Use Explainer Animations in Your Marketing Strategy

Explainer videos and engaging whiteboard animations, have emerged as powerful tools to convey complex messages with simplicity and creativity. Here, we explore nine innovative ways to integrate explainer animations into your marketing strategy, enhancing your brand's visibility, engagement, and conversion rates. 

7 Innovative Internal Comms Ideas: Boosting Workplace Connectivity and Collaboration

7 Innovative Internal Comms Ideas: Boosting Workplace Connectivity and Collaboration

In the modern workplace, where attention spans are short, and information overload is common, utilizing innovative internal communication strategies is crucial. This article explores creative internal comms ideas, focusing on the power of animated explainer videos and whiteboard animations.

Unveiling the Magic: What Is a Whiteboard Video in Business?

Unveiling the Magic: What Is a Whiteboard Video in Business?

In the digital age, businesses are continually exploring innovative ways to capture the attention of their audience and effectively convey their messages. One such captivating tool that has gained popularity is the whiteboard video.

Does Whiteboard Animation Live Up To The Hype?

Does Whiteboard Animation Live Up To The Hype?

Whiteboard animation has been around for a long time and promises a lot. Can it really capture the full essence of you and your message? Will it engage viewers in what you have to say and create a good ROI? Are whiteboard animations still effective?

The BLT Episode 01: Liquid Thinkers - Calling time on Party-gators

The BLT Episode 01: Liquid Thinkers - Calling time on Party-gators

The BLT combines our passion for visual thinking, the week’s news and our creative team to create a delicious visual treat for your feed every week!

How Can Whiteboard Animation Help You Share Your Vision?

How Can Whiteboard Animation Help You Share Your Vision?

Thanks to its combination of features and the creative freedom it offers, whiteboard animation has what it takes to capture your vision and share it with the people that can help you make it happen.

How To Convert Old Content Into A Whiteboard Video

How To Convert Old Content Into A Whiteboard Video

Even when it’s feeling a little tired, a few tweaks to the appearance or delivery of old content can bring it back to its full glory and make it relevant to a whole new audience. Whiteboard videos are a great way to convert old content.

How To Express Your Voice Through Whiteboard Videos

How To Express Your Voice Through Whiteboard Videos

Carefully considered and crafted, it’s important to express your business voice in a way that does it justice and captures it fully. This is where whiteboard videos can help.

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Explainer Video?

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Explainer Video?

A good explainer video will engage a viewer, inform them and connect with them while a bad one will leave people unmoved and indifferent. And then there are the great explainer videos!