explainer videos

5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Explainer Video Company

5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Explainer Video Company

Whiteboard videos can be a powerful way of telling your story, but their effectiveness very much depends on their quality. When picking the right whiteboard video production company, there are some essential steps and considerations.

Crafting Compelling Explainer Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

Crafting Compelling Explainer Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s digital era, explainer videos have become indispensable tools for businesses, educators, and creatives to convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. These videos, whether animated or utilizing techniques like whiteboard animation, captivate audiences and simplify intricate concepts.

Demystifying Explainer Videos: Engaging, Educational, and Effective

Demystifying Explainer Videos: Engaging, Educational, and Effective

As visual aids go, whiteboards are like old friends. Whiteboard videos have developed from them, making ideas and messages understandable, clear, engaging and memorable.

Unleashing the Power of Explainer Videos in Business

Unleashing the Power of Explainer Videos in Business

In today's digital era, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their audience and effectively communicate their messages. One such powerful tool that has gained popularity is whiteboard animation videos.

The Magic of Animated Tales: Unleashing the Power of Stories in Animation

The Magic of Animated Tales: Unleashing the Power of Stories in Animation

We’ll explore the captivating world of animation and how it unleashes the power of storytelling. Join us as we delve into the mesmerising world of animation and uncover the magic that lies within its animated tales.

Unraveling How Explainer Videos Provide A Deeper Understanding Of The World We Live In

Unraveling How Explainer Videos Provide A Deeper Understanding Of The World We Live In

In a world inundated with news and information, it's becoming increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction. That's where BBC Explainers come in. With a commitment to demystifying complex topics, the BBC uses We Are Cognitive explainer videos to provide a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

7 Ways To Boost Your Brand with Explainer Videos: Leveraging Visual Content for Impact

7 Ways To Boost Your Brand with Explainer Videos: Leveraging Visual Content for Impact

Explainer videos are visually dynamic and captivating videos. They excel not only in distilling complex messages into easily understandable narratives but also in etching a lasting imprint on the minds of viewers. This makes explainer videos a must for any marketing strategy!

Enhancing Communication: The Benefits of Whiteboard Animation for Companies

Enhancing Communication: The Benefits of Whiteboard Animation for Companies

One emerging and innovative tool that has gained significant popularity is whiteboard animation. By combining simplicity, creativity, and visual storytelling, whiteboard animation offers numerous benefits that can help companies improve their communication strategies.

7 Ways Explainer Videos Revolutionise Communication

7 Ways Explainer Videos Revolutionise Communication

Explainer videos are a dynamic tool that has been revolutionising the way we communicate. Whether it's through animated explainer videos or captivating whiteboard animations, these visual storytelling marvels are transforming the communication landscape in seven key ways.

How To Explain Concepts And Messages Using Explainer Videos

How To Explain Concepts And Messages Using Explainer Videos

Whether you're an educator striving to make lessons memorable or a business professional aiming to simplify intricate concepts, harnessing the power of explainer videos can be a game-changer.

6 Ways Explainer Videos Are Transforming Education And Learning

6 Ways Explainer Videos Are Transforming Education And Learning

One tool that has gained popularity in recent years is whiteboard animation explainer videos. This dynamic and engaging method of explaining information has transformed traditional teaching approaches, making learning more engaging, interactive and enjoyable.

The Psychology Behind Effective Explainer Animations: How to Engage Your Audience

The Psychology Behind Effective Explainer Animations: How to Engage Your Audience

What psychological principles make explainer videos so effective in engaging audiences? Let's delve into the psychology behind effective explainer animations and understand how they captivate, persuade, and leave a lasting impact on viewers.

9 Creative Ways to Use Explainer Animations in Your Marketing Strategy

9 Creative Ways to Use Explainer Animations in Your Marketing Strategy

Explainer videos and engaging whiteboard animations, have emerged as powerful tools to convey complex messages with simplicity and creativity. Here, we explore nine innovative ways to integrate explainer animations into your marketing strategy, enhancing your brand's visibility, engagement, and conversion rates. 

7 Innovative Internal Comms Ideas: Boosting Workplace Connectivity and Collaboration

7 Innovative Internal Comms Ideas: Boosting Workplace Connectivity and Collaboration

In the modern workplace, where attention spans are short, and information overload is common, utilizing innovative internal communication strategies is crucial. This article explores creative internal comms ideas, focusing on the power of animated explainer videos and whiteboard animations.

4 Ways Explainer Videos Upgrade Your Corporate Comms

4 Ways Explainer Videos Upgrade Your Corporate Comms

It’s important to get your corporate communication right. Whatever your message, there is one marketing tool you can’t afford to miss - explainer videos. 

The BLT Episode 01: Liquid Thinkers - Calling time on Party-gators

The BLT Episode 01: Liquid Thinkers - Calling time on Party-gators

The BLT combines our passion for visual thinking, the week’s news and our creative team to create a delicious visual treat for your feed every week!

Creating Explainer Video Characters - A Guide

Creating Explainer Video Characters - A Guide

In explainer videos, characters play an essential role in helping us to tell and connect with stories. Find out how to create your own explainer video characters.

Short vs Long Videos: What Is The Best Length?

Short vs Long Videos: What Is The Best Length?

The best explainer video length for your project is always a unique consideration that combines what you want to say, who you want to say it to and where you want to say it.

How To Write A Great Explainer Video Script

How To Write A Great Explainer Video Script

Creating a strong script is vital to the success of explainer videos. As much as the visuals and onscreen elements of an explainer video, the script should be a carefully considered work of art in itself.

12 Ways To Use Explainer Videos In Business

12 Ways To Use Explainer Videos In Business

How many uses are there for explainer videos? In this post we’ll look at twelve, but there a lot. In the business world alone, you can design the perfect explainer video to tackle almost any challenge or fill any niche.