whiteboard animation

5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Explainer Video Company

5 Essential Tips for Choosing the Right Explainer Video Company

Whiteboard videos can be a powerful way of telling your story, but their effectiveness very much depends on their quality. When picking the right whiteboard video production company, there are some essential steps and considerations.

Crafting Compelling Explainer Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

Crafting Compelling Explainer Videos: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s digital era, explainer videos have become indispensable tools for businesses, educators, and creatives to convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. These videos, whether animated or utilizing techniques like whiteboard animation, captivate audiences and simplify intricate concepts.

Unraveling How Explainer Videos Provide A Deeper Understanding Of The World We Live In

Unraveling How Explainer Videos Provide A Deeper Understanding Of The World We Live In

In a world inundated with news and information, it's becoming increasingly difficult to separate fact from fiction. That's where BBC Explainers come in. With a commitment to demystifying complex topics, the BBC uses We Are Cognitive explainer videos to provide a deeper understanding of the world we live in.

How Can Whiteboard Animation Help You Deliver Remote Training?

How Can Whiteboard Animation Help You Deliver Remote Training?

Not everything is better remote, as we’re sure anyone who has tried to deliver remote training sessions will agree. We’re happy to announce that there is a better way to deliver remote training: whiteboard explainer videos.

7 Ways Explainer Videos Revolutionise Communication

7 Ways Explainer Videos Revolutionise Communication

Explainer videos are a dynamic tool that has been revolutionising the way we communicate. Whether it's through animated explainer videos or captivating whiteboard animations, these visual storytelling marvels are transforming the communication landscape in seven key ways.

How To Explain Concepts And Messages Using Explainer Videos

How To Explain Concepts And Messages Using Explainer Videos

Whether you're an educator striving to make lessons memorable or a business professional aiming to simplify intricate concepts, harnessing the power of explainer videos can be a game-changer.

5 Tips for Creating Compelling Explainer Videos

5 Tips for Creating Compelling Explainer Videos

One effective way to captivate your audience and convey complex ideas in a simple, engaging manner is through explainer videos. In this blog post, we'll explore five great explainer video tips to help you create compelling animated explainer videos that leave a lasting impression. 

6 Ways Explainer Videos Are Transforming Education And Learning

6 Ways Explainer Videos Are Transforming Education And Learning

One tool that has gained popularity in recent years is whiteboard animation explainer videos. This dynamic and engaging method of explaining information has transformed traditional teaching approaches, making learning more engaging, interactive and enjoyable.

The Art of Visual Storytelling: A Data-Driven Exploration

The Art of Visual Storytelling: A Data-Driven Exploration

Once upon a time, in a world brimming with words and numbers, there emerged a powerful form of communication that transcended the boundaries of language - visual storytelling. Our story begins in the heart of a bustling city, where images and visuals narrate tales more compelling than words ever could.

9 Creative Ways to Use Explainer Animations in Your Marketing Strategy

9 Creative Ways to Use Explainer Animations in Your Marketing Strategy

Explainer videos and engaging whiteboard animations, have emerged as powerful tools to convey complex messages with simplicity and creativity. Here, we explore nine innovative ways to integrate explainer animations into your marketing strategy, enhancing your brand's visibility, engagement, and conversion rates. 

7 Innovative Internal Comms Ideas: Boosting Workplace Connectivity and Collaboration

7 Innovative Internal Comms Ideas: Boosting Workplace Connectivity and Collaboration

In the modern workplace, where attention spans are short, and information overload is common, utilizing innovative internal communication strategies is crucial. This article explores creative internal comms ideas, focusing on the power of animated explainer videos and whiteboard animations.

Unlocking the Power of Animated Explainer Video Services: 11 Important Benefits

Unlocking the Power of Animated Explainer Video Services: 11 Important Benefits

Animated explainer video services have emerged as a powerful solution to capture attention, simplify complex ideas, and leave a lasting impact on viewers. In this article, we’ll explore the significant benefits of leveraging animated explainer video services, highlighting how they can unlock the full potential of your marketing strategy. 

Unveiling the Magic: What Is a Whiteboard Video in Business?

Unveiling the Magic: What Is a Whiteboard Video in Business?

In the digital age, businesses are continually exploring innovative ways to capture the attention of their audience and effectively convey their messages. One such captivating tool that has gained popularity is the whiteboard video.

The Different Types of Whiteboard Animation

The Different Types of Whiteboard Animation

There are six major styles of whiteboard animation, and that’s before you factor in the creative freedom of whiteboard videos and the way they can be tailored precisely to your needs.

How Do You Reversion Your Whiteboard Explainer Video And Keep It Up To Date?

How Do You Reversion Your Whiteboard Explainer Video And Keep It Up To Date?

In this blog, we’ll look at the reversioning process and reasons you might want to reversion your whiteboard explainer video.  

The Whiteboard Animation Process: Taking Your Message From Idea to Explainer Video

The Whiteboard Animation Process: Taking Your Message From Idea to Explainer Video

We’re here to help you navigate the whiteboard animation production process and in this blog, we’ll take you through the steps. 

What Is Visual Thinking?

What Is Visual Thinking?

Visual thinking is at the heart of whiteboard animation. It helps us to make information engaging, entertaining and memorable - but how does it work?

How Does Whiteboard Animation Balance Engagement And Accuracy?

How Does Whiteboard Animation Balance Engagement And Accuracy?

When it’s done well, this combination allows whiteboard animation to explain complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way, expanding their reach and impact!

Does Whiteboard Animation Live Up To The Hype?

Does Whiteboard Animation Live Up To The Hype?

Whiteboard animation has been around for a long time and promises a lot. Can it really capture the full essence of you and your message? Will it engage viewers in what you have to say and create a good ROI? Are whiteboard animations still effective?

On A Tight Animation Budget? Whiteboard Animation Can Help!

On A Tight Animation Budget? Whiteboard Animation Can Help!

Whiteboard animation allows you to tell your story in an engaging, informative and memorable way - even when watching the pennies. Whiteboard videos and their production process are packed with opportunities to say more with less.