Ministry of Justice -  Legal services are GREAT

Ministry of Justice

Legal services are GREAT

Project scrapbook

About our partners

‘Legal services are GREAT’ is a part of the 'GREAT' trade campaign launched by the UK Government to showcase the UK's high quality trade and services to the international business community. The campaign is part of the government’s plan to make the most of opportunities which arise as the UK leaves the EU, promoting an outward leaning Global Britain, which upholds and underpins the rule of law across the world.

The challenge

Our legal services sector is one of the UK’s greatest exports and is worth £24 billion to the UK economy every year. We were asked by the Ministry of Justice to create an explainer video to put the 'Legal Services are Great' campaign messages into an engaging and internationally accessible visual. The whiteboard animation style allows us to present to the viewer the benefits to international businesses of using English commercial law. To emphasise the strength of the UK legal system over its competitors we created a calm and competent feel. We did this by using a carefully selected combination of tone, pace and visual metaphors. 

The film

We show in the film that the UK legal system has its foundations in over 1000 years of history, offering a clear and independent process with institutions throughout the country. It has the advantages of being both predictable but also responsive to the modern legal landscape. The film shows the international business community why the UK legal system is world leading, and the best to choose for their business.

The context

The film is being shown on the website here: More information about the overall campaign can be found here.