The British Council - Creative Play in the Digital Age

The British Council

Creative Play in the Digital Age

The scrapbook

About the client

Since 1934 The British Council have contributed to the UK and over 100 other countries by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust. As part of their mission they have created a web content series with Soho Impact called ‘Creativity in the Digital Age’. To introduce the series and create a buzz around it, they came to us.

The challenge

We needed to create a whiteboard explainer film which in sixty seconds presented creativity as an essential skill; empowering people to push boundaries in the modern world while creating interest in the series. Talking to an audience of educators, creatives and the general public the film needed an optimistic, relatable and dynamic tone to bring the concept of creativity and the aim of the series to life.

The film

Our film positions creativity as an important mindset. It highlights the ways it can be used to solve the problems we face, ending on the introduction of The British Council and Soho Impact’s new series.

To do this we used the word ‘creativity’ as a set piece, setting the the stage for a variety of visual metaphors. These included classic preconceptions such as rulers and pens, and modern applications such as technology, satellites and data brought to life by charming animation. These introduced creativity as broader concept, supporting the words of a positive and uplifting voiceover. The voiceover then introduced the series, appealing to a general and specialised audience through a range of toy brick based imagery which further showcased creativity. The end result was a dynamic and engaging film which presented creativity in the modern age while creating interest in the new series.

The context

Find out more about the Creative Play series and check out the latest updates here.