The Royal Society - Why A Career In Science Is For Me

The Royal Society

Why A Career In Science Is For Me

A career in science offers an exciting and rewarding chance to contribute and collaborate globally on the problems we all face. These careers extend far beyond the classic examples that come to mind. We worked with the Royal Society to create this whiteboard animation, which showcases the benefits and opportunities that come with a career in science.


The Scrapbook

The Brief

Our whiteboard animation had to bring to life the diverse range of careers that can come from studying science - highlighting the exciting opportunities, global collaboration and experiences that go with them. Following from a previous animation, this film had to keep the same style and character led storytelling approach. It was important the film avoided the use of stats and appealed to an audience of students.

The Explainer Video

To bring this animation to the screen, we based out storytelling firmly around characters. This character driven approach was achieved by engaging visual thinking and animation, rich illustration, metaphors such as doors opening onto new career paths and icons such as prisms and laptops to underscore the voiceover. The voiceover was delivered by the same voiceover artist that had worked on the first animation, ensuring continuity and the same professional, approachable and inspirational tone. Continuity was also ensured through the use of the same visual style.

Through a combination of illustration, animation, voiceover and onscreen text we communicated the Royal Society’s messages - explaining the variety of careers available and the opportunities that come with them. Relevance was crucial, and the inclusion of elements such as newspaper headline referring to a vaccine allowed us highlight the importance of science in the world today and the ability of science to tackle the challenges the world faces.

About the Client

The Royal Society prioritize promoting excellence in science, supporting international collaboration and demonstrating the importance of science to everyone. Their history stretches back to 1660, and today the Royal Society has a Fellowship of some 1600 of the world’s most eminent scientists.

The Context

Find out more about the Royal Society’s campaign to raise awareness about the importance of studying science and the opportunities that come from it on the Royal Society website.

Cognitive are award-winning pioneers of whiteboard animation, and the creators behind the RSA Animates series. We help corporate, academic and charitable organisations like the BBC, TED, Coca Cola and Sanofi to tell their stories more powerfully. Find out more about us here.