GIZ - Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)

GIZ (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)

Marine Spatial Planning (MSP)

Project scrapbook

The challenge

GIZ asked us to help them explain and promote the complex idea of 'Marine Spatial Planning'.  We had to convey a lot of information quickly and simply, whilst engaging the audience to care about this new technique.  A key part of our approach was to use simple metaphors to make the content feel relevant and to short cut to complex concepts. For example, whales  were used to represent the need for conservation and oil rigs to reflect the need to balance commercial interests.  We think the resulting film feels human and understandable whilst still covering a lot of ground.

About our partners

GIZ are the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. They are Germany's leading provider of international cooperation service,  supporting the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ has 50 years experience in economic development & employment, energy & the environment and peace & security, and they work towards shaping a future worth living.

The film

We use our oceans in many different ways; for recreation, for energy production, for industry, and on behalf of our governments. With this myriad of priorities it's inevitable that clashes occur. Working with GIZ we introduce the concept of Marine Spatial Planning, a process to help make informed and coordinated decisions about how to use marine resources fairly and sustainably.