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Zone 2e - Twice-Exceptional Students

Zone 2e

Twice-Exceptional Children

Twice-exceptional (2e) students are both gifted, significantly ahead of their grade levels, and have complex needs. This makes learning arduous and creates a range of challenges that 2e students face throughout their time in education. Zone 2e is helping 2e students overcome these challenges by leveraging their strengths. Our creative team explained how Zone 2e supports twice-exceptional students.

The Brief

Our explainer video for Zone 2e had two clear goals. Our first goal was to explain what twice-exceptionality is to viewers who may be new to the term. Building on this, we then needed to communicate the solution Zone 2e has developed, making it accessible and attention-grabbing for audiences.

The Explainer Video

Our video for Zone 2e used visual thinking and visual storytelling to explain the complex subject of twice-exceptionalism and pitch the AI-powered software developed by Zone 2e in an engaging and accessible way for audiences.

To do this, our team used a combination of charming characters, familiar scenes, creative illustrations and mapped information that explained the challenges 2e children face and the improvement in independent education plans offered by Zone 2e’s software. This allowed us to make the topics approachable and memorable as viewers took in Zone 2e’s important message.

Icon imagery also played an important role, capturing added detail not covered by the voiceover while highlighting other key points. It was a privilege to use our visual thinking to bring this important message to the screen and inspire investors to support this educational revolution.

The Client

Zone 2e develops artificial general intelligence technology to enable twice-exceptional and gifted students to thrive and achieve their potential.

The Context

Learn more about Zone 2e and the experiences of twice-exceptional students here.

See this gallery in the original post