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Community Savings Bank Association - Bank in a box


Bank in a box

Project scrapbook

About our partners

CSBA is the Community Savings Bank Association and they believe in customer-owned, local banking for Britain. Their aim is to create a UK-wide network of customer-owned, regional banks to serve the every day financial needs of ordinary people, local community groups, and small and medium sized companies.

The challenge

We wanted to create a rich, warm and welcoming explainer video to help the CSBA launch their brand. From the voice-over, to the characters, and the nods to its heritage, this storyline and film was all about building trust. Positioning the CSBA mutual against ‘fat cats’ and emphasising the local community focus, helps to quickly and memorably create a feeling of 'a bank on my side'.

The film

The idea of independent local banks isn’t a new one. In fact its a very old idea. Local savings are used to make local loans - creating and storing wealth in each region, held in trust for the benefit of the current members and those that come after them. 

In an age of ‘casino banking’ and irresponsible lending there has never been more need to return to a system of mutual trust. With this in mind, our film aims to inspire confidence and build trust to encourage the viewer to visit the website and add their name to the movement.

The context

You can read more about the CSBA on their website:

See this gallery in the original post