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Team Insights - The Top 5 Horror Movies

Our team are great! They are all incredibly talented, with a diverse and fascinating range of interests. As well as being one of our animators, Phil is a host of horror podcast Radio Gorepress! You can find Radio Gorepress by searching for it on iTunes, Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice.

Because it’s Halloween, we asked Phil to pick his top five horror movies. The team also created a Halloween playlist, listen here if you have Spotify!

With Spooky Season well and truly upon us, now’s the time to curl up on the sofa, hide behind the cushions and put on a horror film...but what to watch? Well it’s a good thing you asked, because here are five of my favourite horror movies for some inspiration...

Beetlejuice (1988)

Since horror isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, I’m gonna kick this list off gently with Tim Burton’s horror-comedy, Beetlejuice. Telling the story of a recently-deceased couple who enlist the aid of self-proclaimed ‘bio-exorcist’ Betelgeuse to get rid of the family that has moved into their house, Beetlejuice straddles that line between spooky and fun perfectly.

The Ring (2002)

The Ring might not make it into everyone’s top 5 list, but this one has a special place in my heart since it’s one of the first films that showed me just how fun the experience of watching horror movies can be. Director Gore Verbinski does a fantastic job transplanting the story from its original Japan to Chicago, and with a creepy Hans Zimmer-scored soundtrack and some excellent prosthetic work by SFX veteran Rick Baker (if you know, you know), it’s no wonder that this film sparked the frenzy of J-horror remakes of the early 2000’s.

A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)

Continuing the theme of Asian horror, A Tale of Two Sisters is based on an old Korean folk tale, and follows the story of two sisters who arrive home from hospital to their father and new stepmother. Tensions rise amongst the family as unexplained goings-on start occurring within the house that threaten to unearth a dark history. As beautiful as it is scary, A Tale of Two Sisters is a haunting fairy tale that will stick with you for a long while afterwards.

The Cabin in the Woods (2011)

The best satires are often themselves shining examples of the genre they are satirising, and The Cabin in the Woods is no exception. I’d be doing it a disservice in telling you anything about it – trust me, if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s best to go in as blind as you can – but suffice to say it’s a genuine haunted-house-rollercoaster of a movie, skewering tropes and cliches from all sorts of horror subgenres.

Bloodborne (2015)

I know this is a game, not a film, but quite frankly this is my list and I can do what I want. Debuting on the PS4, Bloodborne is set in the sprawling Gothic city of Yharnam, a city ravaged by a plague that gradually turns its victims into beasts. Dripping with atmosphere, Bloodborne tells its story in quite an oblique manner (in true FromSoftware style), but once unravelled it imbues everything else in the game with new meaning and propels the game into new heights.

And there you have it! Five spooky horror movies for some Halloween fun. EnjoOoOoOoOyyyy…

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