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Neil Patel - The Future of SEO: 7 top tips for 2020

We attended Neil Patel’s virtual summit on the 22nd October, it was a fascinating and in-depth look at SEO - Search Engine Optimisation to those less acronymically inclined! We took lots of notes and have visually captured 7 key take-aways here! Sadly, there is no actual Holy Grail - although there are lots of great actions and tips to take your SEO to the next level!

Content marketing is going omnichannel

Content appears in countless formats and a dizzying array of platforms that it can be shared on. It will come as no surprise to hear that the trend for 2021 in content marketing will be omnichannel. This has many benefits, such as presenting a superior brand experience and proposition. A big win is that the more omnichannel you are, the greater your cost savings will be!

User metrics are the key to beating Google

Small gains add up to make big progress and can be found absolutely everywhere. Just think about how you title your blogs. Boosting those titles with power words like ‘amazing’, ‘best’ and ‘incredible’ can help boost your click through rate by 15.9%! Asking a question in your titles can boost CTR by 14.1%! Remember - small changes can have a dramatic effect on user metrics, which in turn improves the impact of your SEO.

What is old is new again, re-purpose content

Re-purposing content is a great way of maximizing the value each piece can give you. You worked hard on it, so you should get the most from it. Get your old content out of the wardrobe, give it a dust down, literally update it and strut your funky stuff for a brand new audience! You can also make sure you get the maximum value out of every piece by translating it into several formats at once.

You have to focus on branding

Branding is more than a strong logo and key colours, it’s about anchoring yourself into a term and service. A great way of building a brand is identify a problem people face and highlight your solution, until your solution become synonymous with the problem. A great way to get a feel for how your brand is doing is to search your company name on Google Trends.

CDNs are your new best friends

In the words of Neil Patel, ‘speed is a killer’. This is exactly why CDNs (Content Delivery Systems) are set to be your new best SEO friend. A Content Delivery Network works by spreading the server load of your website across several locations, allowing your pages to load faster! In a world where page speed is becoming crucial, this is very helpful indeed.

Slow and steady wins the race

We’re talking backlinks. A link can take six months to even begin boosting your ranking, so a slow but steady approach to backlinks is essential. Rushing things and getting lots of low quality links could actually hurt your SEO performance. Here are some great insights from Neil Patel how to do backlinks right.

To win you have to think like a winner!

Mindset is vital, one of the first steps in success. Of course, this alone isn’t enough – thinking like a winner is about more than a positive mental attitude. Thinking like a winner is also about thinking about what it means to win and the steps it takes to get there. A great step can be finding a mentor – this can be a person who guides and helps you, or a resource like a blog or podcast which fuels your knowledge and development.

For more on all of these topics and much, much more - visit Neil Patel’s website and blog. It is a thorough resource with lots of information to inform SEO and marketing strategies. We also highly recommend Neil’s events and summits!

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