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Homeschooling Help: explainer animations to educate and entertain

Many parents have now become unexpected homeschoolers, with the twin challenges of occupying young minds and continuing to work. It is not an easy balance to strike! At Cognitive we’ve gone through the back-catalogue and found some animations that we hope help you to educate and entertain your new students.

Our list of whiteboard animations includes films made for the BBC, TED-Ed, the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), Professor Stephen Hawking and the Royal Society on subjects such as life in ancient Rome, AI, what it would be like if superpowers were real, the Suffragettes, black holes and the history of British migration. We want to help you make home education informative, memorable and fun!

We’ve categorised these animations under subject and within each subject, sub-collection. Click the subjects below to jump to each section:

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In our science section we have films made for the RSA, the BBC, TED-Ed and Professor Stephen Hawking looking covering areas such as the environment, language, black holes and the function of AI in society.

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Watch our films for TED-Ed and Professor Ray Laurence bringing life in ancient Rome to life, learn more in these BBC animations explaining more about the Suffragette and Civil Rights movements, and discover the role of migration in British history (this film is one of our founder Andrew Park’s favourites).

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Click here to explore the philosophy series we made with philosopher Nigel Warburton for the BBC (and hear some famous voices), asking what is freedom? How has technology changed us? What is love? And many more of life’s big questions. We’ve also made these RSA animates exploring important ideas.

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Politics, Economics and Society

Animations we’ve made for universities, the RSA, the BBC and many others exploring key aspects politics, economics and society.

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Cognitive are award-winning pioneers of whiteboard animation, and the creators behind the RSA Animates series. We help corporate, academic and charitable organisations like the BBC, TED, Coca Cola and Sanofi to tell their stories more powerfully. Find out more about us here

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