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7 reasons to use Digital Scribing in your next meeting or event

What is digital scribing?

Before we start, here is a quick over-view of digital scribing. Digital scribing is, in our best Troy McClure impression, the virutal equivalent of what you may also know as visual scribing, visual note-taking, graphic recording or sketch noting - to name but a few. Digital scribing is when a scribe artist creates rich visuals to capture a speakers key messages. It is perfectly suited to virtual meetings, events and webinars.

The power of visuals

Before we get into ways the digital scribing can enrich your event, here are a few stats on the important link between learning and visuals.

  • Visual information is an big part of how engage with the world, MIT News reported that half of our brains are directly or indirectly devoted to vision

  • Consequently many people have a strong preference for visual learning, The Law Teacher Journal, Vol 11, 2004 states that 65% of the population have this preference

  • A report published by the University of Minnesota’s Management Information Systems Research Center found presentations that use visuals are 43% more persuasive

What does digital scribing add to your event?

Our scribes translate speakers in meetings or at online events into rich visuals which add extra dimensions of meaning. Not only does this create visual notes which develop and build with the speaker’s presentation, it introduces an element of live performance to the event - making virtual conferencing much more engaging.

  • The combination of speaker and scribe makes for a unique and bespoke event, essential in a world so demanding of our attention spans

  • Seeing a speaker’s points re-framed as imagery is an amazing way to engage audiences not only with your event, but also with the ideas and information being discussed - creating a superior experience for speakers and audiences alike

  • Scribes are able to map information in space. This goes beyond making individual points understandable, digital scribing is able to vividly show how the various points relate to and interact with each other

  • Perhaps one of the best things digital scribing adds to your event is legacy material in the form of a real time recording and individual visuals which are perfect visual assets to use post-event on social media, websites or even internally within an organisation.

Digital scribing is fantastic addition to your event. In the moment it boosts engagement and aids understanding while allowing your event or meeting to have a tangible legacy - reaching even more people and providing ideal social and comms content for future use.

We’d love to scribe for you, contact us today if we can help you make the most of your virtual presence.

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Cognitive are award-winning pioneers of whiteboard animation, and the creators behind the RSA Animates series. We help corporate, academic and charitable organisations like the BBC, TED, Coca Cola and Sanofi to tell their stories more powerfully. Find out more about us here.